Lighting technology: a constantly evolving sector
The study of light plays a very important role today, both in interior architecture and in the design of application devices such as household appliances or switches. The subject of light design has become particularly central to the lighting industry where it has had an astonishing exploit in recent years. Whereas in the past light was interpreted in its function as a source of illumination or signalling, today the direction of development in lighting technology points towards a scenario in which light becomes synonymous with excellence, innovation and design.
In this article we take an in-depth look at some aspects of the lighting sector, focusing on trends in lighting technology.
More specifically we will be talking about:
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Lighting industry trends
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on many sectors, especially in 2020, but also in the last two years. Against this backdrop, the Italian lighting industry has also found itself having to deal with a global emergency situation, establishing targeted strategies for recovery based above all on innovation. Companies in the sector are trying to overcome the challenges of the moment, developing new approaches to the market and proposing cutting-edge solutions.
2021 closed on a positive note, marking a clear recovery of the lighting market with growth in orders and turnover.
According to FederLegnoArredo's preliminary figures, the furniture and lighting macro-system closed in 2021 with a turnover increase of +11% compared to 2019.
Sales growth was driven in particular by products with a high level of innovation. For the lighting sector to continue this positive trend, it is essential to continue to design quality and innovative lighting devices that save energy and at the same time contribute to personal well-being.
Lighting: what are the trends of the moment?
This evolution in the lighting sector requires significant investment in R&D and is fuelled by multiple inputs: technological advancement, digitalisation, sustainability issues, and the quest for individual well-being.
The trends of the moment involve several areas: Internet of Things, Internet of Lights, social lighting and product interoperability.
Professionals in the sector are demonstrating that today it is essential to understand the role that new technologies can play in this sector, in order to offer quality light that positively affects the wellbeing of the individual and that is delivered where and when it is needed.
Smart lighting
For many years now, thanks to LED technology, we have been talking about lighting devices designed for energy efficiency. Today this topic has evolved further with the advent of smart lighting systems, one of the current trends, called Smart Lighting.
The design of high-efficiency lighting devices, with automated controls, can play a central role in saving energy, helping to reduce consumption by up to 30%.
Smart lighting devices are easy to use and respond to all needs: from a simple dimmer to a more complex home automation system. They are also adaptable to any type of house and user needs. The Internet of Things becomes a model for intelligent and conscious management of energy consumption.
Thanks to digital technologies, it is possible to automatically modulate the emissions and switch-on of individual lighting devices, lighting only as much as, how and where it is needed.

Human Centric Lighting
Another industry trend that entered the market a few years ago, but continues to evolve, is Human Centric Lighting.
Human Centric Lighting refers to a type of lighting design and study that focuses on people's well-being and health. Light can play a therapeutic role, it influences the circadian sleep/wake rhythm and can have a positive effect on the ability to concentrate. Conscious use of light, the choice of efficient light sources with a colour rendering that is increasingly close to that of sunlight, automated and flexible management, can all contribute to improving the quality of people's lives. In this sense it is easy to see how lighting technology can become an enabling tool in this process, allowing light to be customised to the needs of each individual. The study and research in this direction lead to the development of new smart lighting devices that simulate natural light through the dynamic variation of temperature and colour, with consequent adaptability to existing lighting conditions.
Thanks to the Human Centric Lighting approach, man is placed at the centre of attention and lighting technology becomes a tool for the highest expression of light to contribute to his well-being.
To find out more about the development trends in the lighting sector, we recommend reading the article Developments in the lighting sector: we talk about it with Erica Turolla.
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